Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Underwater Road

Bimini Road is a stone structure off the coast of Bimini Island, in the Bahamas. There are a long line of square cut rocks, in a straight formation, which has led some to speculate that this could be evidence of an ancient civilization. Some even claim it is the remains of the lost continent of Atlantis. The formations were first noticed by pilots flying over the area.

"The 'road' is actually the now-submerged former coastline of the island and is made of beach rock, a concretion of shells and other debris formed in modern times. This fragile material tends to fracture in more or less straight lines and then at right angles to those fractures, resulting in a pattern of large fragments resembling an area of paving stones. Such natural formations, also referred to as tessellated pavement, are extremely common along the eastern shore of Australia, and almost entirely around Tasmania, where they are plainly exposed to view along the coast. For a hundred miles along the coast of Venezuela there is a similar undersea formation."

Explorations made by Dr. Greg Little recently have made some exciting discoveries. He found that underneath the square stones is a second layer of similarly cut square stones. This is highly suggestive that the road is not a natural phenomenon. If it were, then you would expect to find only sand or perhaps crumbled debris under the stones. He also discovered large stones with holes bored through them. This would suggest that these may have been used as anchors for ships, perhaps berthed at the stone wall.
These rocks are still being studied though. If it is possible to date them it should prove very telling one way or the other as to whether or not these are man-made objects.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Between America and Euro-Africa there is a road. This road contains the remains of ancient civilizations. The treasures of gold coins and diamonds supposedly still exist there, but they are closer to the Euro-African side.

  3. Between earth and mars there is a wormhole. It's origin is located somewhere on a road between America and Euro-Africa. In this wormhole there is also a vast library of knowledge, but it is closer to the martian side. I have a book from this library that was brought to me by an inter-dimensional being it says yada is full of sh!t.

    1. Free thought is countered by facts not ridicule.
